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Utah Trip 2012: Part 2

Here we go again….

Day 3 (8/13/12) of our Utah trip I was a little sparse with my picture taking.  Ben spent the day in Heber painting his mom’s house with his brothers.  I went to Provo with the kids and played with Christy.  We went to BYU for a walk (very nostalgic) and then we went to her house and visited.


Day 4 of our trip Ben spent the day painting again.  I had planned to go see Christy but Matt was sick.  In retrospect I wished I had set something up in advance with old roommates or friends.  Thankfully, Becky came to the rescue and kept us entertained all day, and a fun and busy day it was!  We went to the park in the morning, they came over in the afternoon, and we went with them to a pool in Kamas in the evening.

Playing at the park


Jadyn jumping on Grandma Cliffie’s trampoline in the afternoon.


The Kamas pool was one of the highlights of our trip!   They had a fun twisty slide that the kids enjoyed riding down.  Sadie and Jadyn really loved playing together and exploring.  Although, they did get the whistle blown at them a few times.  Oops!  Jax was glued to and loved playing with Natalie all night.  Ben and I enjoyed jumping off the diving boards.  Ben over-rotated while doing one of his flips and smacked the water pretty good.  He was fine and we all got a good laugh!  The whole night was great.  Thanks for suggesting it Becky!

We took McKay down a few times. He didn’t really smile or laugh but he kept wanting to go again and again. I think that means he liked it?


Not the greatest quality photos but can you feel their happiness? We had so much fun!


Day 5 (8/15/12) Grandma Fie-Fie threw a grandkids party.  Before the festivities we tried to get portraits of her with the grandkids.  Here are a few of the outtakes.  In the first row of pictures you can see Jace on Cliffie’s lap pulling Marissa’s hair.  How great is Marissa that she just laughs it off? In the bottom two pictures notice Tyler and Derek’s interactions.  I originally thought Tyler accidentally fell over but after reviewing the pictures it looks as though he may have had a little help?  🙂  They made me laugh as I was going through them.

Here are a few of the normal pictures:

Cliffie with Jadyn and Jace

Cliffie with Marissa, Tyler, Kately, and Derek.

Cliffie with Jax, McKay, and Sadie

The kids loved the water party!  Becky brought over their inflatable water slide, Cliffie had planned water games, there was a kiddie pool, and water running under the trampoline.  Top notch job, Cliffie.

 That afternoon our kids took much needed naps.  In the evening Cliffie threw an adult party.  I’ve misplaced my pictures from that night, so you’ll just need to use your imagination.  Just think: all the adults upstairs, Becky/Troy’s kids and ours playing in the basement, food, and smiles.

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  • August 30, 2012 - 9:29 pm

    Desiree - Glad to see these since we weren’t able to be there. When do we get to see the family pictures?ReplyCancel

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