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An Evening of T-Ball

First off: Why is Jax wearing tin foil? Let me see if I can remember. Earlier in the day Ben had made a fort with the kids under the dining room table. Sadly, Jax kept standing up and hitting his delicate little head. So, Ben said to Jax, “Boy buddy, we need to buy you a helmet!” This prompted Jax to run to me and ask for a helmet. I explained I didn’t have one. He protested. I said, “Ok, we’ll make you one.” Three seconds later he was wearing tin foil on his head and had a smile from ear to ear. He thought he looked pretty sharp!

Back to the story….an evening of t-ball:

On Saturday night we went to the field by our house so the kids could run off some energy. We took the t-ball equipment with us. I always feel so patriotic when I play baseball. It’s just such an American thing to do, wouldn’t you say?

Anyways, neither Jax nor Sadie would hit the ball so McKay had the equipment and Coach Ben to himself. Apparently Jax only enjoys the defensive side of baseball. Who knew?

Attempt #1


“Hmm, this is a lot harder than it looks!”

Attempt #2

ANOTHER swing and a miss!

Well, he didn’t have a tremendous amount of raw talent but Ben’s working with him on it.

Sadie and Jax climbed the wall overlooking the pond and threw mulch into the water while we watched the sunset behind them.

The kids were getting tired and the sun was set so we started for home.

Jax was DEVASTATED when he realized we were leaving. Ben carried him home kicking and crying. That’s not very Jax-like. He made the most awful, gut-wrenching, sobbing sounds of grief. The only times we’ve ever seen him behave this way are when we have to drag him off a golf course, tennis court, or baseball field. He loves his sports!

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  • September 4, 2012 - 4:03 pm

    Shannon - Poor Jax! It’s always hard to have to end the fun.
    I love his helmet. Jax seems to like it a lot too. My kids like to wear their bike helmets around sometimes. If you’ve got one of those he’ll probably like that a lot too.
    It looks like it is so hot there. Jax especially is sweating! Good for you for going outside to let the kids play despite the heat and humidity. I’m a wimp. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the humidity. I handle the dry heat so much better.ReplyCancel

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