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Sadie has changed so much in the past few months that’s she barely resembles the baby I once knew. No longer timid and shy, she has become outgoing and social. I thought I’d jot down a few things about her so I can preserve just how fun she has become.

Nicknames: Sades, Sade, Sadester, Say-Jay, Say-Say, Little Lady, and Sister.

Favorite Activities: Jumping on the bed or neighbor’s trampoline, collecting acorns, dressing up in sunday dresses, throwing tennis balls into baskets, coloring and cutting, playing with water and her tea set, doing puzzles, watching YouTube dance videos – especially from Enchanted, singing primary songs, sitting in Jax’s carseat, dancing, and mothering Shadow and Jax.

She loves her acorns.  We go out collecting them quite frequently.
Sadie shown above sitting in Jax’s car seat/stroller.  She loves her little cave. 

Favorite Places to Go: The library to see her Bengal Tiger stuffed animal friend, the pool and beach, walks to the park and lake at night to play and feed the fish, primary, and Mimi’s house.

Favorite Animals: Cows, tigers, and sharks.

Favorite Colors: Light blue and orange (so she told us, I don’t think she even knows those colors).

Favorite TV Shows and/or Movies: Wonder Pets, Barney, Blue’s Clues, Singing in the Rain, and her ‘Jesus Show’.

Favorite Foods: Fruit snacks (sadly, her most favorite), pizza, cheese, yogurt, mandarin oranges, cereal, almonds, apples with PB, bananas with Nutella, corn, and strawberries.

Best adjectives to describe Sadie: girly ~ playful ~ emotion-filled ~ happy ~ strong willed ~ musical ~ ~ gentle ~ artistic ~ sweet ~ small ~ smiley ~ tender ~ giggly ~ affectionate ~ social ~ compassionate ~ observant ~ hysterical.

Favorite and Frequent Quotes:

  • “I love YOU so, so much!”  (She tends to say this when I’m stressed and need a pick-me-up)
  • “You’re a good boy Jax.” (As she pats him on his head)
  • “Kimmy flys on an airplane to Utah.” (This is her go-to line when she can’t think of anything interesting to talk to us about)
  • “No, I want to talk” (she hates it when  Ben and I talk to each other and always interrupts us with that line)
  • “Jax, please be happy.” (When he gets fussy in the car)
  • “The four goes in the back.” (This is what she says when she puts her underwear on.)
  • “I want to do it by myself!” (Says this about everything – feeding herself, brushing her teeth, dressing herself, getting in her carseat, getting her shoes on, going potty, etc.)

What does Sadie want to be when she grows up?  Firefighter, teacher, or a boy(?).

Best Friends: Mary Smith, Sadie Tee, and Leana (the next door neighbor).

Boyfriends: Carson May, Fisher Emery, and Andrew Cricchio.

Favorite Songs: I Am a Child of God, I Love to See the Temple, The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock, Once There Was a Snowman, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus.

Physical Features:  Eye color is shifty – it’s green or Hazel.  She’s short and petite.  Still has her chubby cheeks, fabulous smile, and baby-soft skin.

Also noteworthy:

She has a very long attention span.
She is as girly as can be – loves to wear dresses, have her toenails painted, and her hair done.
She doesn’t run – she prances.
She has high highs and low lows.
She is an excellent big sister.
She makes friends very quickly and loves 4 – 8 year olds.
She loves to pose for the camera.
She is extremely expressive.
Funny – we had been so worried about her when she was younger; but she has turned into a perfectly pleasant, social little toddler.  The transformation actually began shortly after Jax was born.  We were concerned how she would adapt to having a sibling and sharing the limelight.  But, Jax is about the best thing that has ever happened to Sadie.  His birth has forced her to become independent, yet she still feels loved and adored.  Jax is happy to let her be the center of attention, patient with her moodiness, and always entertained by her games.  They’re really perfect for each other!
It’s bittersweet to watch her grow.  I still think of her as a little one year old – so lightweight, needy, and snuggly.  I’m still adjusting to this new, confident, independent version of Sadie.  I’m so proud of the sweet little girl she is turning into and so grateful I have a front row seat to watch her continue to blossom.
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  • June 10, 2011 - 5:22 pm

    Sarah - Alicia, your pictures of Sadie are so beautiful. I wish Ethan would be as cooperative as Sadie is with picture-taking. But anyway, you’ve done a beautiful job with your pictures. Love them 🙂ReplyCancel

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