Have you ever had Indian food? It’s delectable! Ben introduced me to Indian food when we were dating. He served his mission in India and has a deep love for their food and culture. Every now and again we have ‘Indian’ nights where I cook up some rather authentic and quite tasty (if I do say so myself) Indian food. When it’s just Ben and me we also like to rent Bollywood movies. I happen to love it when they burst out singing and dancing. It’s a riot! We laugh out loud every time.
Well, Christy has been visiting and requested Indian food on her final evening here so on Sunday night we had our ‘India Night’. I had Kimmy and Christy dress up in the outfits Ben brought back. They also wore Bindis – the dots on their forehead. (See left)
Sadly, my cooking must have been a little too spicy because my family was up all night not feeling well. In fact, Christy missed her flight the next morning because she was still feeling sick. Poor thing!
Also, this past weekend was my Dad’s birthday. As his birthday wish he took all of us shopping! Who does that? He said it was for the adults because they are always buying things for the kids. What a guy! I hope I grow up to be just like him 🙂
This is Ben sporting the new shirt we picked out for him. He actually stayed home with Jax, and Sadie and I went shopping on his behalf.
Sadie cried her little eyes out when they drove away that night. Christy was crying too because she knew she wouldn’t be seeing Sadie for several months. It’s great to visit with family, but it sure is hard to see them leave. We miss you Christy!
Joe - Did you have some Indian ice cream to go with dinner?
Valerie - I love it! What a fun idea! I didn’t even know missionaries went to India!
(i need to settle down on my ! but just think it’s so neat!!!!!!!!!!)
Christy - Miss you too. It was one pathetic ride back to Seminole with me sniffling the whole way in the back seat (not because of the food, because of leaving you all, especially Sadie).