Alicia & Ben » Blog

Sadie Vs. Santa

We had our ward Christmas party this past weekend and we thought we’d try introducing Sadie to Santa Claus.

At first she didn’t quite know what to think:

Then, Santa’s little helper made her smile:

Things were going so surprisingly well we tried getting closer to Santa:

But, she really didn’t like that:

After 10 minutes of crying and wailing she finally calmed down again. When we got home we let her open one of Auntie Kimmy’s Christmas presents so that she wouldn’t have negative feelings associated with Christmas:

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  • December 14, 2009 - 3:23 am

    Ben - Personally, my favorite pictures are the first two where Sadie and Santa are staring each other down – not sure what to think of each other.ReplyCancel

  • December 14, 2009 - 11:05 pm

    Kimmy - What was in the present you opened Sadie??ReplyCancel

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