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Newsflash: Sadie LOVES preschool!

Sadie and Mrs. Kelly

No one is more shocked about this than I am. It took her years to adjust to attending her primary class. She was the most clingy child I’ve ever seen. So, naturally, I expected this to be a difficult transition with a lot of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. The opposite has occurred! From day 1 she has loved it! Ben took her in late on her first day because we didn’t get home until past midnight from Utah the night before. Her class was just getting back from the playground and her teacher saw her and called her name (impressive she remembered; we’d met her once before) and Sadie said, “Bye Daddy” and walked to her teacher, grabbed the hand of a little girl, and followed the class into her classroom. That was the end of that. Or, shall I say, the beginning.

I think it helped that I took her to the school four times before her first day. She actually helped to pick it out because she went with me to each preschool we toured. On the day we toured this one they were in the middle of a craft and she sat right down at the table and wanted to participate. The fit was just right for her and for me. It had the right feel. For months we’ve been building her excitement by telling her all the fun things she’ll be doing – crafts, painting, cutting, dancing, playing on the playground, and the works. Anyways, she always dreaded the idea of preschool but after our visit to this one she seemed excited and anxious to start. I expected her mood to change once her first day rolled around. Thankfully, her enthusiasm remained and the transition has gone smoothly.

She did have one tearful moment. I dropped her off on day 2 and she started to cry as I left. Her teacher, Mrs. Kelly, picked her up and Sadie laid her head on her shoulder and I walked out. After school her teacher said she was happy and playing within a minute. I was so pleased to see that she had the type of teacher that was willing to pick her up and give her affection and reassurance. Sadie loves Mrs. Kelly. They seem like a perfect fit. During pick up every day Mrs. Kelly holds Sadie’s hand and walks her to the car line. She always gives me a little update about the day and how Sadie did.

Here are a few of Sadie or Mrs. Kelly’s reports so far:

1) Every day on our drive home we talk about what she did that day. Almost every day after she’s told me she ends her sentence with “…..but not painting.” I guess she really wants to paint and every day she reports that it was another failure. One day her dream will come true.

2) Day 4 – After playing on the playground the class stopped by the bathroom. They were waiting outside the restroom and another class line walked by. Sadie joined their line and proceeded to play in their classroom. Sadie’s teachers couldn’t find her until the other teachers brought her back.

3) Yesterday I asked her what she learned at school. She said, “We don’t use lots of toilet paper. Only one piece, Mommy.” All day today she only wants to use one small square to wipe. Even tonight Jax was using the potty and she would only allow him one itty-bitty square. Happy to hear she’s learning and listening 🙂

4) Her teacher reports she’s a social butterfly and has made a good friend named Taylor. I asked Sadie about her and she laughed and replied, “Oh Mommy, Taylor is a boy!.” I think Sadie likes playing with boys more than she likes playing with girls. Should I be worried?

As for how I’m adjusting: I expected to feel melancholy and forlorn for the first little while. Again, the exact opposite has occurred. I feel guilty about not missing her. She seems so happy and content that it’s been easy for me to let go. I know she’s being well cared for, I know she’s thriving and learning new things, I know I don’t have the time or ability to do all those fun things with her at home, and I know I still have all afternoon and evening to be with her. It’s been really fun to just have the boys in the morning. They’re playing together more which I think is good for them. McKay still takes a morning nap so I have a whole hour+ when I only have Jax. It’s really nice!

We’re so happy things have gone so well.  Sadie seems as happy as I’ve ever seen her!

*Happy sigh of relief*

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  • August 29, 2012 - 2:57 pm

    Shannon - Yeah for Sadie! I’m glad preschool has been a fun experience for her. Derek’s preschool doesn’t start until the middle of September 🙁 He’s anxious to get started!ReplyCancel

  • August 29, 2012 - 3:13 pm

    alicia - Thanks Shannon! I can’t believe you guys start school so late. That is a long wait. I’m sure he’ll love it once it begins. Can’t wait to hear how it goes 🙂ReplyCancel

  • August 29, 2012 - 9:49 pm

    Shannon - Marissa’s already been in school a couple weeks now. I don’t know why the preschool is waiting so long to get started. Usually preschool goes along with the school district schedule too, but I guess this one is doing things differently. I’ll let you know how it goes.ReplyCancel

  • August 30, 2012 - 9:21 pm

    Desiree - I’m so glad for Sadie. Who knows maybe she’ll end up being the biggest social bee ever. I do hope she gets some painting in one of these days in classReplyCancel

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