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Our Week with 5 Kids

Meet my nephews, Ethan and Charlie: Cute little guys, huh?

For the last 8 days they’ve been our house guests.  Mike, Sarah, and my parents were in Prague, Venice, and Paris.  Lest you think I’m a saint, let me clarify and say that I was compensated with three airline tickets in exchange for my babysitting services.

I wont’ lie and say it was easy.  It wasn’t.  It wasn’t awful either, though.  There were definitely some stressful moments, of course.  I think we would have been okay had it not been for some challenges that popped up along the way: the stomach flu, a head cold, and teething.  Luckily Ben stayed home on the days the kids were actively throwing up.  Also, my saintly gramma came up one day so I could take McKay to the doctor.

One other challenge was I had to photograph a wedding on Saturday.  I felt so awful that I had double booked!!  Ben had a 4, 3, 2, 1, and 9 month old most of the day by himself.  Not many men could handle that many kids.  Thankfully my Gramma offered to help out on that day, too.  Sadly, it was while I was away that Sadie starting throwing up.  I felt just sick inside that I wasn’t around to comfort her.  Also, Ethan was really stressed that day and missing his parents.  It was a hard day.  Ben (as always) did a fabulous job and they were all sleeping peacefully when I arrived home late that night.  He is a saint!  Gramma said to me on the phone the next day, “Ben is a real jewel.  I don’t know of any man that could remain calm and kind in that situation!”   I should also mention that he did all the night feedings for Charlie since I was getting up often with McKay.  We were each up an average of three times a night.  We had sick kids, two babies, and a dog that can’t hold his bladder through the night.  It was pretty exhausting to go, go, go all day and then have interrupted sleep all night.  I’m dying for the day when we’ll just be able to get 8 hours of normal, uninterrupted sleep.  That will be bliss!!!

Credits should be given to Charlie the dream child.  He was a little fussy and nervous the first two or three days but the other 5 he was PERFECT!  I think he really liked us!  He absolutely loved Ben and seemed perfectly happy in our home.  Would you believe he sleeps 18 hours a day?  When he’s awake he’s very content to sit on the floor and entertain himself.  I forgot how wonderful a normal baby can be.  Jax was like that.  Sadie and McKay….not so much!  Truly I don’t exaggerate when I say I think McKay spent 92% of his wakeful time in my arms.  The other 8% he probably spent crying.  He’s in a challenging, needy phase right now.  Add to that teething, the flu, and a cold….YIKES!

Ethan was such a chatterbox and always asking questions about everything.  One day he was sitting at the table eating a snack and he said to Ben, “Ben let’s talk.”  They proceeded to discuss his diet and how Ben thought he should eat apples, broccoli and yogurt.  Ethan felt it was healthier to eat Nutty-O’s, milk, and ice cream.  Alrighty then.  Ethan is very smart and inquisitive.  He’s obsessed with cars and was always pointing out the different makes and model.  On our walk the first day he said, “Look Alicia – there’s a Toyota Corolla.”  Sure enough, it was a Toyota Corolla.  He’s really good with Toyotas, Chevrolets, VWs, convertibles, and vans.  Ethan definitely had some hard moments.  The first day he spent 25 minutes crying in the car and refused to come in our house.  I wasn’t sure what to do.  It felt really strange to deal with discipline issues since he wasn’t my child.  I think by Sunday we reached a mutual understanding and the end of the week went better than the beginning.  I felt like I really got to know him better and see his cuteness, creativity, and quirks.  He’s really something!

I don’t think I’ll volunteer to do this again anytime soon, but I’m actually happy we had the time with our nephews.  We see them a lot but I’m always so distracted with my owns kids and their needs that I never have the time to focus on or play individually with Ethan or Charlie.  We really got to know them and bond with them last week.  I’m grateful for that.

Here are some pictures from the week………

We met the Cricchios at the park the first day. Stephanie was a lifesaver because both babies wanted to be held that afternoon. When we were home whichever one I wasn’t holding was crying.  She texted and suggested we meet at the park.  She held Charlie and I held McKay and all was well. Not sure how we would have survived that day otherwise. It’s nice to have good friends.  Marie Infante came by the afternoon of the second day to help out.  Again….such a lifesaver.  Both babies were super needy that day, too.  She kept the older kids entertained while I struggled to keep the babies happy.

This was the one and only bath we could convince Ethan to take. Usually he loves baths. Maybe he’s just shy around us? 🙂

Perfect baby Charlie:

We took at least two walks a day. Ethan took the bike every time even though it was too small for him and his knees hit the handle bars. He still insisted on riding it. He looked very cute doing so.
kids out on a walk

I’m thinking Charlie’s head is probably as big as mine. What do you think? Ethan’s is most assurredly larger because I tried to put my sunglasses on him and they didn’t fit! Larger head children are smarter. It’s true. What’s that say about me? 🙁

Charlie hearts Ben:

Sorry he’s not wearing shoes, Sarah! He had been on the trampoline and I never put them back on him:

Everyone had to have their blankies and bears during the night time show:

Gramma reading to Sadie and Jax on Saturday while I was gone:


Ben put this headband on McKay. We both decided he would have been a beautiful little girl.

Once Sadie got sick she never moved from this spot. In fact, I’m suprised she’s even sitting up in this picture. She spent 5 days straight laying on the sofa. We would carry her to and from the bathroom. She was weak as a kitten.

McKay’s favorite spot:

McKay’s other favorite spot:

She fell asleep like this while eating her breakfast. She woke up and smiled sweetly right as I took the picture:

Found him eating his breakfast here. All the bedding and towels he’s sitting on had to be washed due to yuckiness. We’ve been doing LOTS of loads of laundry lately. Oh the joys!

Doesn’t look extremely comfortable to me, but this is how Sadie looked most of the last week. She finally went to preschool today but the teacher said she was pretty lifeless. She has always had a very weak and sensitive digestive system. She just doesn’t bounce back like the other two.

I spent LOTS of time in the bedroom keeping Jax and Ethan quiet and entertained while the other three were sleeping each morning:

Playing at Ethan’s house on his firetruck bed. This is a major hit with my kids! Michael built it. It’s pretty great, I think.

Watching shows in Michael and Sarah’s bed on this monster huge TV. Feels like we’re at the movie theaters!

Jax and Ethan loved playing outback in their ‘fort’:

FINALLY! Time to go to the airport. Their flight was several times delayed. It was a bit of an ordeal. We arrived an hour early so we occupied ourselves watching planes take off and land on the roof and looking around the stores in the airport. I only took Jax and Ethan. Sadie was too sick. Charlie and McKay were sleeping.


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  • October 27, 2012 - 6:31 pm

    Sarah - Alicia – How very kind you are 🙂 I know this had to be probably one of the worst weeks of your life, and you managed it with such grace despite all of the MANY, MANY, MANY challenges you faced. Michael, Ethan, Charlie and I are SO blessed to have you in our lives. Not many people would be willing to do something like this and we are SO SO SO grateful that you all did. We had a WONDERFUL trip and without your help that would not have been possible. It would have been SO difficult to travel with two small children in Europe. Thank you for loving our kids while we were gone. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!:) That goes for Ben and Gramma and all of your friends that helped along the way too. And Thank you Sadie, Jax and McKay for sharing your parents with our kids. 🙂 Sorry this is so long … LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!ReplyCancel

    • October 30, 2012 - 2:19 am

      alicia - Happy you had fun! And happy we could help! And thanks for the airplane tickets. You’re great 🙂ReplyCancel

  • October 28, 2012 - 3:13 am

    Joe - That lady in the picture is looking at Jax like, “get off my motorcycle.”

    Glad you survived last week.ReplyCancel

    • October 30, 2012 - 2:19 am

      alicia - Actually she suggested I put him up there. They didn’t want to ride it but she talked them into it and then walked off to where you see her in the picture. She was very nice about it though.ReplyCancel

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