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this boy loves to golf

During Thanksgiving break Jax had a very special outing with my dad and Ben.


Really, there are no words to describe just how much Jax loves to golf.  He would sleep with his golf clubs if we’d let him, or his tennis racquet or glove.  Oh wait, he has slept with his glove in this post.  Actually the set of golf clubs he got for his birthday back in June have been so loved that only one is still with us and it’s duct taped together.  Rumor has it that Santa may bring him a new set for Christmas.

Ben says he was a hoot on the course and kept saying things like, “WOW! Good hit Grampie!”, “You got it!”, and “Awesome” said in conjunction with a thumbs up.

“YES! I did it!” – Jax

Ben brought me home these flowers after playing golf.  I think it was his way of saying thank you for not complaining about the fact he was gone so much playing football, softball, and golf over Thanksgiving break.  Very thoughtful.

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