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Pictures from the Past Week

My lazy streak with picture taking has ended.  Here’s some of what I’ve captured from our life the past 6 days.

Item #1: Sadie with her teacher, Miss Adrianne.  Does she not have the nicest, kindest eyes and face?  How do I get that kind of kindness in my eyes?  She is the sweetest teacher!  Her energy level and happiness level are sky high.


Item #2: Documenting everyday life one afternoon.  Life included a craft, trampoline, dishes, and McKay control.

Item #3: A few snapshots of the kids one day after school.

Item #4: Pool night with the Smiths and Allens.  McKay was cold at the end and stayed curled up in Ben’s arms.  So cute!  Those two are inseparable.

Funny side story….McKay cries every morning when Ben leaves for work.  EVERY SINGLE MORNING for months and months now.  Well, last week I was leaving for a photoshoot.  My arms were full with my camera bag, keys, wallet, phone, and rice cakes for the road so I couldn’t give him a hug but I told McKay, “Mommy’s leaving now and you’re going to stay with Daddy.”  He started fussing, wiggled to get down, and ran to me.  I felt loved and happy.  I set some stuff down, scooped him up and tried to give him a hug.  He resisted my hug.  Instead he grabbed the rice cake out of my hand, wiggled to get down, and ran right back to Ben’s arms.  He happily waved good-bye to me from Ben’s arms with his rice cake in his hand.  Not a tear was shed.  Except perhaps by me as I drove away feeling dejected by the child for whom I have sacrificed every comfort of life for for the past two years.  That’s McKay for ya.

Back to the pool night….

Jax LOVES the Smith boys. He calls Manden and Matthias his best friends.

Item #4: Mother’s Day Tea luncheon at Sadie’s preschool.  I had some girls in the ward babysit the boys so I could focus on Sadie.  We had a splendid time.

They asked the children, “How old is your mommy?” and posted their answers. Apparently I’m only 7. Hmmm.

It was a fuzzy picture so I converted it to black and white.

Sadie with her wonderful teachers, Miss Kelly and Miss Adrianne.

Item #5:  The kids had been asking all week if they could sleep in a tent and have a campout so I told them we would on Friday.  Come to find out, Ben had a youth activity for church on Friday night.  Oops!  They wouldn’t let me trick them out of it though (they’re getting older and smarter), so after my 5:30 Zumba class, Pad Thai for dinner, and making rice krispie treats we set up camp out back on the trampoline.  The boys ate organic fishy crackers (which were actually bunnies but they call them fishy crackers) and we ate the rice krispie treats while reading books and watching a show on the touch pad.  They were in heaven! Around 9PM I put McKay asleep in his bed inside and went back outside with the older two.  Jax fell asleep around 10PM right when Ben got home.  He switched with me and slept outback with the older two and I slept indoors.  The kids slept great but Ben said he was wet, cold, and awake most of the night.  The things we do for our kids.

Item #6: Mother’s Day.  Per tradition I was brought breakfast in bed.  We had a busy Sunday and headed down to my parents house in the afternoon.  My mom took a bad fall last week while on vacation in St. Augustine.  She tripped on uneven pavement and her head was the first thing to hit the ground.  She broke her nose and split her head open.  I still took my traditional picture with her on Mother’s Day though.  I sure love my mom.  It’s sad to see her so uncomfortable.

I tried to get a picture of all the moms with all their kids on Sunday.  I felt like I got a good one of Sarah and kids, Julie and kids, and my mom with her kids.  Then I tried to get one with my kids.  Fail!  (See outtakes below)

Item #7: We went to Green Key Park yesterday for FHE.  We had fun. Ben showed up at the end.

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  • May 15, 2013 - 2:21 am

    Shannon - Oh! Your poor mom. Is she in a lot of pain? I feel so bad she got hurt. Send our love to her 🙂

    Seeing your boys without shirts on reminds me of my brothers. We grew up in California, where it’s warm most of the time, so the little boys were constantly running around with just their shorts or pants on. Fun memory.ReplyCancel

  • May 16, 2013 - 3:39 am

    Alicia Johnson - She is surprising good, all things considered. I thought she’d be worse. She does seem to have some vertigo issues. Hopefully that will go away once the swelling goes down. Also, she has really bad headaches. Very understandable.

    I didn’t realize that the boys were without shirts in so many of those pictures. Less laundry that way 🙂ReplyCancel

  • May 21, 2013 - 6:52 pm

    Christy - Great pictures, Alicia. I love the picture with Joe popping out in the background of you and Gramma. I also like the beach pictures, especially climbing on that cool rope jungle gym.ReplyCancel

  • June 3, 2013 - 11:02 pm

    desiree - Loved the story about McKay stealing your rice cake and your heart 🙂 Cute little memories.ReplyCancel

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