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They had a kitchen. All is well!

Today was meet the teacher day at Sadie’s new elementary school.

Speaking of her elementary school – after hours of thinking, pondering, praying, wrestling with the decision, working towards a solution, dead ends, discussing the problem with friends/family, recommitting myself to not taking no for an answer, and persisting we were finally told the county would put Sadie into the school we’ve felt best about from day 1: Longleaf.

Huge sigh of relief!

Back in February Sadie and I toured four elementary schools.  Unfortunately, the one we’re zoned for was our least favorite.  My top pick was Longleaf, followed by Trinity and Odessa.  The later two are less in demand but a further drive.  And, although I liked them, I didn’t have the This Is the Place Moment like I did with Longleaf.  So, we thought it was a longshot, but we filled out a school choice application and requested Longleaf, Trinity, or Odessa – in that order.  We were rejected for all three. (Why do they call it school choice if they don’t ever approve you for the school you choose?)

I appealed.

The appeal was rejected.

I appealed the rejected appeal.

We fought with the doctor about submitting a note saying Sadie needed an alternate school because her zoned school has an asbestos issue.

The doctor refused to write it.

I found a new doctor.

I called the school board again and FINALLY they said they would look into relocating her.

All three schools were full but they said they would keep checking back for openings.

I called them nearly every day for two weeks… spots.

Finally, last Thursday we got the news we’d been hoping for……

One perfect little spot in the perfect little school of Longleaf.

*Cue angel choir*

I hate conflict.  Hate it!  Hate it!  Hate it!  So, this was really hard for me to be persistent and firm – even at times mean.  In the end it was all worth it!  Worth it for Sadie.

It was a really good life lesson for me on trusting my instincts, staying optimistic, and being persistent.

So, as I was saying way back in the beginning, we went to meet her teacher today and I think we’ve scored the sweestest, kindest kindergarten teacher in all of Pasco County. She’s very happy and energetic, yet gentle and kind – just like Ms. Kelly, kindof.  Ben made the comment, “I really like her but she’s no Miss Kelly.”   She is different but I think she’ll still be equally wonderful.  That’s really saying something!

I was so impressed with her and her classroom.  She was super considerate and accommodating.  One concern I have about Sadie starting school is her need to eat frequently.  She’s showing signs of hypoglycemia and becomes shaking and fussy when she’s hungry.  Her teacher suggested I send in a stash of extra snacks and said Sadie can help herself if ever she starts to feel yucky.  Perfect!  Her classroom was colorful, inviting, and insanely organized.  We all felt comfortable and hopeful after our visit.

The best news of all: they had a kitchen!  When we were touring the school we’re zoned for Sadie asked the woman helping us if they had a kitchen.  She replied, not to Sadie but to me, “Oh no, Kindergartners don’t play anymore.  When they’re here they sit at those desks and work!”  She was impressed with herself but I was not.

I’m so happy to know that at Longleaf my kindergartner with be both playing and working!

There’s one downside to all this – I’m feeling very conflicted because I have a desperate desire to move back to Pinellas County, yet we’ve fallen so in love with the teachers and schools up here. Longleaf ranks way above the schools we would be zoned for in Clearwater around where we thought would be our ideal spot.  Hmm…..luckily (or is it unfortunately?) moving is still a ways away so we have plenty of time to work things out still.

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  • August 15, 2013 - 4:29 am

    Raven - Good for you, Alicia! You stuck to your guns and made it happen.ReplyCancel

  • August 23, 2013 - 3:50 pm

    Christy - Hooray for kindergarten play time! How does she like school now that its started? It looks like a beautiful, fun, clean place and her teacher looks super nice.

    By the way, she looks so grown-up in that picture by the sign outside of her school. It reminds me of the pictures mom used to take of us outside on our first day of school. It was so exciting to begin a new school year.ReplyCancel

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