Alicia & Ben » Blog

7 Days

That’s how many days of school Sadie missed.

Poor little thing had a fever for 6 days straight. No cough. No runny nose. No other symptoms. Just a really high fever.

As always, she bore it in quiet patience – not a word of complaint.

I think McKay picked up a bug at the pediatrician’s office and shared it with the rest of us. So, just as Sadie was getting better we all started with colds. Such is life.

So, now we are readjusting to kindergarten again. Sadie cries every morning. I’ve cried on the shoulder of every stranger at that school. It’s so embarrassing! So far I’ve had two tear-free mornings.

Last Thursday evening we had open house and the principal greeted us by saying, “Oh it’s so nice to see everyone with smiles for once.” Ben thinks it’s a riot. Every morning I call him with a new embarrassing sob story.

In a way those 7 days were a blessing. It was great to have Sadie home and happy. She’d rather be sick and home than at school and healthy. I’m told she only cries for the first minute or two and than she’s all smiles all day. It’s been hard, though. Much harder than I expected.

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  • September 18, 2013 - 2:24 am

    Raven - Oh, Alicia, these stories break my heart a little. Are you sure you don’t want to homeschool her? I homeschooled Amelie for kindergarten and it was fine. In fact, we’re homeschooling for the next couple months until our house is done. I know you will do what you know is right for your family. What a sweet sweet mother you are.ReplyCancel

  • September 19, 2013 - 2:41 am

    Alicia Johnson - Raven, I wonder about it CONSTANTLY! I just keep coming back to all my concerns…her falling behind, not having friends in the area to play with, me being distracted with the boys, etc. I definitely feel homeschooling is in our future the time just doesn’t seem right. But if this continues I will definitely pull her and do it myself. I may email you sometime with more questions I have about it. Thanks, thanks, thanks for caring enough to leave a comment!ReplyCancel

  • September 19, 2013 - 7:43 pm

    Shannon - Happy to hear Sadie is well again. Derek came home with a horrible sore throat and cold the second week of school which Tyler and Bret caught as well. The illness affected each person differently, but they were feeling pretty bad for at least a week each. No fun!

    I hope this week has been better for the both of you as far as school goes too. As I recall, wasn’t it hard for Sadie to go to nursery at church too? Tyler took a good year to adjust and happily go to nursery, then he went to sunbeams and cried and screamed those first couple weeks. Then the presidency put me in as his teacher (he loved that), and now I’ve been moved to Derek’s class. Tyler is back to his crying episodes again. I have a feeling he’ll probably be doing this for preschool and kindergarten too. I guess for some kids it takes longer than others to feel comfortable doing things without mom and dad around.ReplyCancel

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