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A few details about my day yesterday

I love waking up to a heavy rain storm.  One of life’s simple pleasures.

Yesterday marked one week straight that Sadie and I have both been tear free at drop-off time  🙂

The library is a magical place.  Such endless entertainment and possibilities.

The mall play area provides a perfect place for the boys to run and play on a rainy day.

Toddler mall play area

He was not injured in the shooting of this picture.

He was not injured in the shooting of this picture.

cute two year old

Oh, that face just melts me.


Checking out his silly reflection.

Checking out his silly reflection.


We had Chick-fil-A for lunch at the mall and Jax loudly announced after each bite, “We’re not going to be healthy!”  It tasted so good, though.

I’m wondering if McKay will ever learn to walk on his own when we’re outside of the house?  I carry him everywhere and he’s starting to get a little heavy for me.  I really need to buy a single stroller.

3 1/2 is my least favorite age.  Sadie went through a very difficult time at that age and Jax is becoming obstinate, fussy, and impossible to please.  He was perfect up until this age. Now….not so much. Not. So. Much. At. All!

Crayons are officially banned in our home.

We were out of chicken so I put hearts of palm in our soup last night and told the kids it was a new kind of chicken.  They loved it and all of them asked for more and more of the ‘new kind of chicken’.  Maybe lying isn’t so bad?

See the U shape chicken - that is a heart of palm.  Shh!! Don

See the U shape chicken – that is a heart of palm. Shh!! Don’t tell the kids.

Tricking kids into eating

Sadie won a Rapunzel Barbie doll at her school’s bingo night.  Jax had a huge meltdown in front of the entire lunch room of parents and students because he wanted a prize, too.  I had to carry him out kicking and screaming and it took him 5 minutes to cool off.  His meltdown resumed at the commencement of bingo night when he realized he wouldn’t be getting a prize .  That temper tantrum last over a half hour.  *Patience, Alicia.  Patience!*

Ben removed a lizard from our closet, killed a huge swarm of ants in our kitchen, and searched for a giant cricket from our garage all within one hour.  The cricket is still at large.  It’s basically a huge, flying cockroach.  Cockroaches are my one phobia.  I’m anti-pesticide-in-the-home but we may have to do something drastic.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

lizard in net with boy

Ben let McKay carry the lizard in his net and release him outside.

This is what my happiness looks like:

Ben and I are home home at night.  My happy kids are sleeping peacefully in their tidy rooms.  I’m a satisfied type of tired – satisfied with what I did for the day but not so excruciatingly tired that I’m spent for the day.  The house is fairly clean, vacuumed, and organized.  Overhead lights are off; lamps are on.  All urgent “To-Do’s” are checked off my mental to-do list.  There’s still time available to be productive or to be indulgent and lazy.  I happen to remember there’s ice cream in the fridge.  Then I have another happy remembrance of a Bollywood movie we’ve been trying to find the time to watch.  So, I push the AC down, grab a blanket, and cuddle happily on the sofa with my husband in our clean house, with our sleeping babies, eating ice cream, and watching a movie.  Lovely.

That’s what my happiness looks like.

It’s not for everyone, but it’s definitely for me.



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  • October 1, 2013 - 1:51 pm

    Shannon - Your happiness sounds very similar to mine.
    I love all the pictures Alicia. Your mall playground looks like so much fun. I’m happy to hear you and Sadie have adjusted to kindergarten as well. Yay! for no tears. I am also amazed at what you can get your kids to eat. Marissa is more willing to try new things now and Katelyn is a great eater (my best actually), but the boys are difficult to say the least.ReplyCancel

  • October 2, 2013 - 4:49 pm

    Desiree - Sounds wonderful except for the Jax acting out part. I can’t believe that ‘lil permagrin is starting to turn sour 🙂 Just testing the waters too I guess. Good luck with the roaches and such. I hate those things too.ReplyCancel

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