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Communication and Hair Cuts

A month and a half ago I asked my dad to trim Jax’s hair.  My instructions were to keep it long but just trim a tiny bit off the top and cut around the sides and the ears.  I like his hair long.  It’s so soft and smells so good.  Well, my dad used the longest setting but somehow it ended up super short.  It was even partially shaved in the front.  So, at a later time I used scizzors and tried to even it out.  It was still patchy but not awful.

Well, JCPenneys is doing free haircuts for children this week so I made appointments for the kids.   My plan was to have Sadie’s hair slightly trimmed and Jax’s evened out.  Well, she did great with Sadie but butchered Jax’s hair.  The cut was fine.  The problem is he’s practically bald now.

This was what I told the stylist: “I like it long and I’m trying to grow it out but it’s a little uneven.  Can you just trim around his ears and around the sides of his head?  Don’t touch the top except if you need just even it up a bit.”

It’s not like me to be picky about hair.  I have Ben cut mine a couple times a year.  I’m not sure why I’m taking this so hard.  There’s nothing wrong with the cut.  I just like Jax with longer hair.  Oh well!

There have been several situations recently where what I think I say and what the other person hears are two totally different things.  My communication skills seem to really be lacking.  It’s getting really hard for me to recall words and express my thoughts. It doesn’t help that I’m usually distracted and in a hurry.  Well, I’m making a more concerted effort to communicate clearly and concisely.  Hopefully next time I think I ask for a trim around the ears I won’t end up with a buzz cut.

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