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A little of our life

Wednesday of last week we went to the story time at the library. Don’t ask me why I go.  The kids don’t really like it all that much and barely participate. They love going to the library but just don’t really care for story time. But, I think it’s fun and it’s good for them to be in a classroom-like setting – so we go sometimes.

Library story time

Thursday we had a playdate with Andrew and Addison. Super fun!

Friday we went to see Sarah, Ethan, and Charlie in the morning.  Her brother’s family just adopted a puppy so we went to visit the little furry ball of cuteness.  Sadie loved it, Jax hated it, McKay was indifferent.
McKay didn’t like it when the puppy used him as a chew toy.
It didn’t hurt because he barely has teeth but I think it scared him.
He wanted to be held after that.

That afternoon we played around here.

He’s trying to do a somersault.
Saturday we had the birthday party which took up most of the day and we relaxed in the evening. See this post.
Sunday was wonderful.  I must admit that I’m really enjoying church so much more now that I have Ben’s help.  It’s also nice to have a lesson to prepare and share each week.  I feel like I’m in a much happier place then I was back at Easter.  I feel guilty for those feelings I had.
Isn’t he so funny?  Do you love his underpants and tennis racket?
Remember when we was potty trained?  He’s not anymore.
He was accident free for 3 weeks and then when I went to Utah he started having accidents.
I guess it’s time to potty train him again.

Sadie took the following picture.  She’s loves photography as much if not more than I do.  It’s a constant battle to keep the cameras out of her hands.

Today started off pretty good.  The kids stole my glasses so we ended up doing a mini-photo shoot.  Always fun for me!  I haven’t been using my big camera as much lately.  I love my point and shoot and it’s so small and convenient that I use that for most things.  But it’s so much fun to get out the dSLR and play around.
Raise the roof!

This afternoon things took a turn for the worse.  Jax has been constipated the past few days and was miserable this afternoon.  I feel like I’ve been tending a birthing woman all day.  He still hasn’t had any success 🙁  McKay was woken up early from both his naps so he was in a bad mood, too.  It was a long afternoon.  I have so much parental guilt when multiple children need me at the same time and I can’t see to all their needs/wants.  Sadie was super difficult this afternoon and I think she was just jealous of all the attention her brothers were getting.  I wasn’t as patient with her as I should have been.  Parental guilt….it’s awful!

I set Jax down on the sofa while I was making lunch.  I turned around from the stove and found him in this position:

Meanwhile, McKay was either at my feet crying to be held or getting into mischief.

He dumped these sesame seeds all over the kitchen.
My dishwasher still doesn’t work.  How long has it been?  Six months?
I should really get that fixed.  We use it as our drying rack now.
I put McKay in his highchair and let him make a mess feeding himself.  That kept him happy for a few minutes.
So it was a stressful, tear-filled afternoon but we all survived.  We always do.

We also received sad news this evening about my dearest brother, Michael.  He was in a car accident with an 18 wheeler but thankfully is just fine.  He walked away without a scratch and there was very little impact. He said it was a very gentle collision. I don’t know how you can have a gentle crash with a semi-truck while going 45 mph but he says he’s fine.  So grateful he’s okay!  Love you Michael 🙂

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  • July 17, 2012 - 2:49 pm

    Johnson Family - Love the pictures Alicia! I love how you make the every day activities of your kids look so beautiful to look at.
    I’m happy to hear Michael is okay. How scary! I wish those kinds of trucks had a different route they could take on their on roads.ReplyCancel

  • July 17, 2012 - 6:30 pm

    Joe - You found out about it last night? I texted you in the morning right when it happened.ReplyCancel

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