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If Sadie tells you she doesn’t want Macaroni on her pizza she means she doesn’t want pepperoni on her pizza.

If Sadie says, “Who-nie and States of a Miracle” she means the United States of America.

The Miracle Flag is actually the American Flag.

If Jax tells you, “I want to hold you” he means he wants you to hold him.

If Jax tells you “Help you” it means he wants you to help him.

If the children ask what the wise men are building they’re referring to the construction workers on the side of the road.

If they ask for Old McDonald’s they’re referring to the restaurant, not the song.

Broken-puter means the computer….they want to see a show.  Sadie, for some unknown reason, has been calling it the brokenputer since she could talk.  We do have bad ju-ju and it breaks a lot but we’ve never called it that.

Cow Pie is my dad.

Cheerio is Stephanie Cricchio.

Ban-a-loons are balloons.

Hitting explained….

  • If Sadie hits it means she’s tired.
  • If Jax hits it usually means he wants to rough and tumble play or run off some energy.  Or someone has really wronged him and he is out for revenge.
  • If McKay hits it’s because he thinks it’s a game. Gently correct.

Grunts explalined…..

  • If McKay grunts once he’s asking a question.  Figure out what’s he looking at and then explain to him what he’s seeing.
  • If McKay grunts over and over and over and over again it means he’s hungry or tired.  Feed him.  If he continues to grunt over and over and over and over again after that lay him down.
  • If McKay grunts over and over and over and over again in a high and desperate way it means he’s stuck somewhere and needs help ASAP.
  • If Jax grunts it’s because he wants something and he’s tired.  Tell him to use his words to explain what he wants.
  • If Sadie grunts it’s because she’s doing baby talk due to feeling over looked.  Give her a hug or spend some quality time with her.
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